Page Index - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki
173 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Welcome to the IndustrialCraft 2 Classic wiki!
- 1.19 Wiki
- Most content in this wiki is written for 1.12
- 1.12 Wiki
- How to add custom Recipes
- Texture System
- Video Tutorials
- Known Issues:
- 1.19.x Datapacks
- 1.19.x ResourcePacks
- Advanced Comparator
- Advanced Machines
- Base Concepts
- Basic Steam Turbine
- Batteries
- Boats
- Bronze Armor
- Bronze Tools
- Cables
- Canning Machine
- Cells
- Centrifugal Extractor
- CF Backpack
- CF Sprayer
- Chainsaw
- Charge Pads
- Charged Electrolyzer
- ChargePad Modules
- Coins
- Compacting Recycler
- Composite Armor
- Compressor
- Condensators
- Config
- Construction Foam (CF)
- Coolant Cells
- Crafting Components
- Crop Analyzer
- Crop Breeding
- Crop Harvester
- Crop Library
- Crop Matron
- CropList
- Cropnalyzer
- Crops
- Debug Item (Admin)
- Depleted Isotope Cells
- Developer Artist Guidelines
- Diamond Drill
- Dynamite Remote
- Electric CF Sprayer
- Electric Enchanter
- Electric Furnace
- Electric Hoe
- Electric Treetap
- Electric Wood Gasificator
- Electric Wrench
- Electrolyzer
- Enchantment Info
- EU Generation
- EU Reader
- Explosives
- Extractor
- Fix List
- Flux Generators
- Frequency Transmitter
- Fuel Boiler
- Fuel Cans
- Fuel Cells
- Generator
- Geothermal Generator
- Getting Started
- Hazmat Suit
- Heat Exchangers
- Heat Vents
- How to add custom Recipes
- HV Machines
- Induction Furnace
- Industrial Worktable
- Ingots & Blocks
- Insulation Cutter
- Interactions with Other Mods
- Inventory Upgrades
- Iron Fence
- Iron Furnace
- JsonCrops
- Keybindings
- Liquid Fuel Generator
- Luminators
- LV Machines
- Macerator
- Machine Buffer
- Machine Tank
- Machine Tool
- Machine Upgrades
- Machines
- Magnetizer
- Mass Fabricator
- Miner
- Mining Drill
- Mining Laser
- Misc Components
- Mowing Tool
- MV Machines
- Nano Saber
- Nano Suit
- Neutron Reflectors
- NightVision Goggles
- Nuclear Jetpack
- Nuclear Reactor
- Obscurator
- Ocean Generator
- Ore Probe
- Ores
- Overclocked Pump
- Overgrowth Fertilizer
- Painters
- Personal Storage
- Plasmafier
- Portable Teleporter
- Precision Wrench
- Pump
- Quantum Suit
- Ranged Pump
- Rare Earth Extractor
- Reactor Components
- Reactor Planner
- Reactor Platings
- Recycler
- Reinforced Blocks
- Rotary Macerator
- Rubber
- Rubber & Resign Sheet
- Sawmill
- Scaffolds
- Scanners
- Shields
- Singularity Compressor
- Slag Generator
- Solar Helmets
- Solar Panel
- Solar Turbine
- Sound Beacon
- Static Boots
- Steam Reactor
- Stone Macerator
- Storage Units
- Teleporter
- Teleporter Hub
- Terraformer
- Terrawart
- Tesla Coil
- Texture System
- Thermal Generator
- Thermometer
- TODO list
- Tool Box
- Trade O Mats
- Transformers
- Treetap
- Upgrade Kits
- Upgrades
- Uranium Enricher
- UU Matter
- Vacuum Canner
- Video Tutorials
- Water Mill
- Wave Generator
- Wind Mill
- Wood Gasificator
- Wrench