Scanners - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki
Scanners are a tool that assists you with finding ores Fluids and other things.
They are mainly used in the Miner, Ore Probe or Ranged Pump which allow you to decide what your target is.
Scanners can be rightclickt to scan the area around you from your Y-Level to Bedrock to find what you are searching for.
There are two type of Scanner:
- Ore Density (OD): Which returns the Density of the Ores
- Ore Value (OV): Which returns the Value of the Ores
When a Manual Scann is happening you get a per mill result which can variate between the two types. While a result of 100 can be in a Ore Density that you have 10% ores could result in Ore Value as 150 if most of these ores are more valueable. So its a good idea to have both type to understand the amount and the value of the ores underground.
- Uranium, Diamond, Emerald: Value of 6
- Silver, Gold, Redstone: Value of 5
- Lead, Lapis, Quarz: Value of 4
- Copper, Tin: Value of 3
- Anything markt as Ore that isnt registered: Value of 1
- Every Scanner has a Energy Storage of 10000 EU
- Radius = XZ Distance.
- Radius: 2 Blocks
- Energy Tier: 1
- Energy Usage on Usage: 50 EU
- Type: OD
- Radius: 7 Blocks
- Energy Tier: 2
- Energy Usage on Usage: 150 EU
- Type: OD
- Radius: 9 Blocks
- Energy Tier: 2
- Energy Usage on Usage: 300 EU
- Type: OD
- Radius: 4 Blocks
- Energy Tier: 2
- Energy Usage on Usage: 250 EU
- Type: OV
- Radius: 8 Blocks
- Energy Tier: 2
- Energy Usage on Usage: 750 EU
- Type: OV
- Radius: 10 Blocks
- Energy Tier: 2
- Energy Usage on Usage: 1750 EU
- Type: OV
- Radius: 6 Blocks
- Energy Tier: 2
- Energy Usage on Usage: 600 EU
- Type: OD
- Search Radius: Ore Value 0-2
- Radius: 6 Blocks
- Energy Tier: 2
- Energy Usage on Usage: 600 EU
- Type: OD
- Search Radius: Ore Value 0-2
- Radius: 6 Blocks
- Energy Tier: 2
- Energy Usage on Usage: 800 EU
- Type: OD
- Search Radius: Ore Value 3-4
- Radius: 6 Blocks
- Energy Tier: 2
- Energy Usage on Usage: 1000 EU
- Type: OD
- Search Radius: Ore Value anything above or equal to 5
- Radius: 6 Blocks
- Energy Tier: 2
- Energy Usage on Usage: 1250 EU
- Type: OD
- Search Radius: What you set it to
- Radius: 12 Blocks
- Energy Tier: 3
- Energy Usage on Usage: 25 EU
- Type: None
- Special Info: Targets Everything
- Radius: 7 Blocks
- Energy Tier: 2
- Energy Usage on Usage: 200 EU
- Type: OD
- Special Info: Targets what you put in the Filter
- Radius: 20 Blocks
- Energy Tier: 2
- Energy Usage on Usage: 25 EU
- Type: OD
- Special Info: Searches only for Fluids
- Radius: 20 Blocks
- Energy Tier: 2
- Energy Usage on Usage: 25 EU
- Type: OD
- Special Info: Targets what you put in the Filter