Ore Probe - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

The Ore Probe scans for ores. It uses Ore Value/Density Scanners for that, just like the Miner and the Ranged Pump. It can only scan for ores that the Scanner can scan for, and the scan range depends on the scanner as well. It scans every block below it in a column, down to bedrock. It needs 5 EU to scan a block and scans up to 40 blocks per tick, and uses the Scanner once when it starts working as well. It automatically charges the Scanner.

The Ore Probe GUI contains 2 slots, 3 buttons and 2 indicators. The upper-left slot is a slot for ore scanners. The upper-right slot can hold an RE-Battery to power the machine. The lightning bolt symbol is a charge indicator, showing how much EU the Ore Probe contains. The black window in the center shows scanned ores. The + and - buttons move the ore column around. The Reset button rescans the area. The Ore Probe cannot accept any Upgrades.

Power Data

Tier: MV
Max Input: 128 EU/t
Energy Storage: 50000 EU
Energy Consumption: 200 EU/t + OV/D Scanner Energy Consumption on Scan Start
Scanning Speed: 40 Blocks/t
Scanning Range: 2*Scanner Range+1

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