Miner - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

The Miner, a new block introduced by IndustrialCraft 2 Classic (IC2C), is a Mining Utility that runs off EU.

Mining Pipe
The Mining Pipe is one of the limited devices required by the Miner to begin its mining process. Crafted using 6 Refined Iron and a Treetap, yielding 8, or compressing a Machine Block, yielding 10, is not only used in the Miner (although its primary use), but also in the recipes of the Pump, Crop Harvester, Ore probe, Miner block itself, and various upgrades. It can not be placed down by the player, but when placed in a powered Miner with a type of Drill, is placed by the Miner.

And finally, the Miner. The Miner, using a Drill (either a Mining Drill, Diamond Drill, or Mining Laser) and Mining Pipes (along with Power (EU) and the optional Scanner), drills straight down to Bedrock. All blocks mined are placed in an adjacent chest, or if no chest available, drops the block on the ground. By only placing a Drill and Mining Pipes in it, will only dig the one block straight down. When give any Scanner type, will increase the miners range or add a filter. The range will increase dependent on the Scanner Scanner given to it, but has a maximum range of 20 blocks in each direction. When a Pump (or Overclocked Pump) is placed next to it, will also pump out any liquids it encounters on its way down, if the pump is either supplied with Empty Cells or a Tank next to it. An efficient mining setup can be very helpful, especially for late-game resource collection.

As mentioned above, the Miner can use different tools, and those tools have different enchantments that can be applied to change how they work.

Mining Drill
The Mining Drill uses 200 ticks (10 Seconds) to mine one block; the Mining Drill can be enchanted with Efficiency, explained below. When mining, the Mining Drill uses the normal amount of EU as if the player were using the drill.

Diamond Drill
The Diamond Drill uses 66 Ticks (3.3 Seconds) to mine one block; this means that the Diamond Drill has a 3 Tick (per Tick) boost from the Mining Drill, making it much more plausible to use - although this is being said, it also uses 14 extra EU per block mined. It can also be enchanted with Efficiency for use in the Miner, explained below.

Mining Laser
The Mining Laser, the best tool to use in the Miner, takes 2 Ticks (0.1 Seconds) to mine one block. It, unlike the Diamond Drill, has a 100 Tick (per Tick) boost from the Mining Drill, making it the most efficient tool to use. Again, the Mining Laser draws X more EU/t. It can't be enchanted for use in the Miner, because it's fast enough. Although fast, the Mining Laser draws an extra 80 EU per block mined (resulting in a 250 EU used per block mined).

As stated above, the Mining Drill and Diamond Drill can be enchanted with Efficiency to speed up the Mining Process.

  • Efficiency I: 2 Ticks Boost (Y = X - 2, Y = New Ticks, X = Mining Drill Ticks/Diamond Drill Ticks)
  • Efficiency II: 5 Ticks Boost (Y = X - 5, Y = New Ticks, X = Mining Drill Ticks/ Diamond Drill Ticks
  • Efficiency III: 10 Ticks Boost (Y = X - 10, Y= New Ticks, X = Mining Drill Ticks/Diamond Drill Ticks
  • Efficiency IV: 17 Ticks Boost (Y = X - 17, Y = New Ticks, X = Mining Drill Ticks/ Diamond Drill Ticks)
  • Efficiency V: 26 Ticks Boost (Y = X - 26, Y = New Ticks, X = Mining Drill Ticks/Diamond Drill Ticks)

The Miner also has a Config Option to increase its Inventory Tier (the Tier of Energy Storage you can insert; for example, a Batbox can't take a Lapotronic Crystal) to also accept HV Storage Capacitors.

###Power Data
Tier: LV
Max Input: 32 EU/t
Energy Storage: 10000 EU
Energy Consumption: 1 EU/t + Drill Cost Modifiers + Item Recharge.
Work Time: 200 Ticks/operation - Drill Modifiers
Max Range: Based Of the Scanner

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