Mass Fabricator - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

So you created some nuclear reactors and wonder where to use the enormous amounts of energy you generate? The Mass Fabricator is the answer. It's IC2Classic's gateway to endgame stuff and can use a lot of energy.

The energy you supplied it will be used to create UU-Matter.
One piece of UU-Matter requires 7,000,000 EU to be produced,
this can be modified in the Config,
the faster you can input this, the faster it will produce.
You can only input Scrap and Scrap Metal through the top or the button,
not the sides. Be aware that a redstone signal will disable processing.


You can accelerate UU-Matter production by using scrap and scrap metal,
where normal scrap acts as 5,000 and metal scrap as 100,000 amplifier.
For each EU input into the Mass Fabricator, one amplifier is used.
Each used amplifier converts into 5EU when used, meaning for am input of 100EU/t,
100 amplifier are being used per tick resulting in an additional input of 500EU/t.
and only output one UU-Matter per tick (20 per Second)
Simple said, amplifier makes the Mass Fabricator run six times as fast as without amplifier with the same energy input.
There is a option in the Config to force a requirement for Amplifier in the massfabricator.

Power Data

Tier: HV
Max Input: 512 EU/p
EU per Operation: 7,000,000 EU (Changeable)

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