Config - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki
Every mod has a Config. IndustrialCraft Classic is no exception.
In this page you will find a detailed explanation for each config entry.
Special Infos about the config: Whenever a server synced config is changed the server will send a info over to the client to sync that.
This category defines all configs around Recipes of things
EnableCraftingBucket Enables the Bucket Recipe which requires Tin instead of Iron.
- Requires Game-Restart
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Default Input: true
- Server Synced
EnableCraftingGlowstoneDust Enables the Hidden Recipe to create a Glowstone Dust out of other Resources
- Requires Game-Restart
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Default Input: true
- Server Synced
EnableCraftingGunpowder Enables the Hidden Recipe to create a Gunpowder out of other Resources
- Requires Game-Restart
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Default Input: true
- Server Synced
EnableCraftingITnt Enables the Recipe for Industrial TNT which allows you to get new Type of TNT which doesn't kill Items.
- Requires Game-Restart
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Default Input: true
- Server Synced
EnableCraftingNuke Enables the Recipe for the Nuke which allows to get a Mega Explosion.
- Requires Game-Restart
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Default Input: true
- Server Synced
EnableCraftingRail Enables the Optional Recipe for Rails being made out of Bronze.
- Requires Game-Restart
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Default Input: true
- Server Synced
Enables the Optional Recipes for Pistons using different Metals instead of pure iron
allowing to reduce the Iron consumption a bit.
- Requires Game-Restart
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Default Input: true
- Server Synced
EnableSecretRecipeHiding Enables that Secret Recipes will be hidden from you. This includes some Optional Recipes and UUMatter recipes.
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Default Input: true
Enables that the Electric Furnace shares Recipes with the Vanilla Furnace.
This includes only Recipes that were added via the IC2Furnace RecipeList.
It basically allows you to make Electric Furnaces Special.
- Requires Game-Restart
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Note: Made for modpack designers
- Default Input: false
- Server Synced
This Config allows you to add a Blacklist to the Recycler things that you don't want to have recycled.
There is a basic format to apply something to the Recycler Blacklist.
- Item/Block, No Meta: minecraft:stick
- Item/Block: minecraft:coal-1
- OreDictionary: ore:ingotCopper
- Requires Game-Restart
- Note: Made for modpack designers
- Default Input: minecraft:glass_pane, minecraft:stick, minecraft:snowball, IC2:scaffold
- Server Synced
This config removes the Bronze Tools Recipes and their Visibility in minecraft completely.
It was a requested feature because of to many types of the same kind.
- Requires Game-Restart
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Default Input: false
- Server Synced
This Config Replaces all Recipes that Require Refined Iron to require Steel.
That will increase the difficulty a lot.
This config will auto disable if the OreDictionary doesn't contain a Steel Ingot Entry.
- Requires Game-Restart
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Default Input: false
- Server Synced
The WorldGen Category is all about things that spawn in the World. Is it ores, Trees or how much of each spawns.
This config enables if IC2 RubberTrees should spawn. Note: You need rubber to get into the mod.
So make sure you have another way of spawning rubber
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Default Input: true
Enables that Copper Ore spawns in the Overworld. Another Note: Make sure you have another mod
that spawns copper if you want to play this mod.
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Default Input: true
Enables that Silver Ore spawns in the Overworld. Another Note: Make sure you have another mod
that spawns Silver if you want to play this mod.
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Default Input: true
Enables that Tin Ore spawns in the Overworld. Another Note: Make sure you have another mod
that spawns Tin if you want to play this mod.
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Default Input: true
Enables that Uranium Ore spawns in the Overworld. Another Note: Make sure you have another mod
that spawns Uranium if you want to play this mod.
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Default Input: true
This config decides how much Ore Spawns in the world and also how deep it spawn.
If your think that your IC2 Ores spawn to much or to less then you can modify this number.
Note: This effects all active oreSpawns Except Rubbertrees.
- Valid Inputs: Anything bigger or Equal to 0
- Default Input: 1
The Feature category are special options to things that are in the game they allow you to decide what you actually want and what not. These can be most of the time be changed all the time on the fly.
This Enables if you get a Quantum boost while running or if you have to press the Boost Key,
It effects only the Quantum Armor in IC2Classic.
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Default Input: true
EnableChargePadUpgradeAnySide This config effects Charge Pads if they have Special Upgrades installed, by default when PVP Upgrades are installed into the ChargePads these lock the access on all sides, but the bottom. This config can override it.
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Default Input: false
This Enables that the Teleporter / TeleporterHub are teleporting a Player with its inventory or not,
When this is disabled and the Teleporter teleports you then it will drop your inventory beforehand
so keep that in mind.
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Default Input: true
This config is for all those People who hate Explosions and Cable Melting in IC2,
what it basically does it prevents MachineExplosions and Cable Melting,
But when a Machine/Cable would break it cuts the EnergyFlow.
that means you cant trick the system. You have to still take care of stuff while not risking things.
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Default Input: false
This Config Enables that Electric Armor gets Charged from EUDamage.
So Cable ShockDamage or TeslaCoil Damage charge the armor.
But this feature has a catch,
If your armor is full anything that can not be absorbed will be applied as damage.
This can be prevented by standing on the ground while having on Electric Boots.
Lightning also Charges you but anything that could not be absorbed or put into the ground
will be applied as Damage. So if you absorb 1 EU the rest get applied as damage.
It provides 10 Million EU.
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Default Input: true
This Config changes the Tier of the Miner and the Ranged Pump to be increased by 2 Tiers
It basically allows you to use a Lapotron Crystal in these machines while it wouldn't been possible before
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Default Input: true
- Server Synced
EnableBurningScrap This Config enables that you can burn scrap in any fuel user.
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Default Input: true
- Server Synced
This Enables that easy Enriched Uranium Ingot into Enriched Uranium Cell are removed.
To get the different type of Uranium Cells you have to use Reactor Breeding.
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Requires Game-Restart
- Default Input: false
- Server Synced
This Config Enables that the IC2 Wind Simulation supports or works against the Elytra Flight,
based of the wind and the player Direction.
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Requires Game-Restart
- Default Input: false
This Config Enables that you get actually Effected by the IC2Wind.
Every Player can decide if he wants that kind of effect.
But also it makes flying overall harder.
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Requires World-Reload/Server-Relog
- Default Input: false
This Config Sets the Maximum Ticks a Reactor Planner can do at maximum,
because the Simulation itself can be really Lagging if you have it set high and have a big setup.
- Valid Inputs: anything bigger or equal to 10 Ticks
- Default Input: 1000
EnableEnergyBurn This Config Enables and Sets the Chance of the features when cables burn that they leave a fire Behind. What it basically adds is a new level of actual base management since Fires can start in wooden bases if you make a mistake.
- Valid Inputs: Anything in range of 0-1
- Default Input: 0
The EnergyNet Renderer is a extra Level of showing you what the EnergyNet has decided on path building.
Now there is a way where people can actually share views of that kind of renderer.
The problem is weak computers can be overloaded if something gets spammed.
This Config basically sends a limit of how many renderers you can have active at once.
- Valid Inputs: anything bigger or equal to 5
- Default Input: 5
This Category is about PowerGen balance in terms of how much Energy Each generator produces.
There are two types of Configs in this area and we go a bit different from what you already saw,
Because it would be a lot repeating Text and it makes it way easier.
There are 2 different types of PowerGen Config.
- % Modifier Production, which is basically you decide on how much % of the default production is created. They do default to most of the time to 100% but can be set between 0-100.000 to give a limit.
- Actual Production config these configs apply the production you have typed in directly.
If you say 50EU then it produces 50EU if you say 5 it produces 5.
I think i made my point clear. All of these require a World Reload/Server Restart. And all of these are server Synced
- EnergyGeneratorLiquid: Modifies the production of the Liquid Fuel generator. Its a overall modifier.
- EnergyGeneratorThermalPassive: Modifies the Power Production through the Heat Collection.
- EnergyGeneratorWater: Modifies the Passive Power Production of the Watermill.
- EnergyGeneratorWaterLV: Modifies the Passive Power Production of the LV-Watermill.
- EnergyGeneratorWaterMV: Modifies the Passive Power Production of the MV-Watermill.
- EnergyGeneratorWaterHV: Modifies the Passive Power Production of the HV-Watermill.
- EnergyGeneratorSolar: Modifies the Power Production of the Solar Panel
- EnergyGeneratorSolarLV: Modifies the Power Production of the LV Solar Panel
- EnergyGeneratorSolarMV: Modifies the Power Production of the MV Solar Panel
- EnergyGeneratorSolarHV: Modifies the Power Production of the HV Solar Panel
- EnergyGeneratorSolarTurbine: Modifies the Power Production of the Solar Turbine
- EnergyGeneratorWind: Modifies the Production of the WindTurbine. In this case it does not effect the breaking logic.
- EnergyGeneratorNuclear: Effects the EU Production of the nuclear Reactor. It does not effect the stats from Uranium types!
Actual Production
- EnergyGeneratorBase: Modifies the EU/t you get from a Generator. (Default = 10)
- EnergyGeneratorScrap: Modifies the EU/t you get from a Slag Generator (Default = 12.5)
- EnergyGeneratorGeo: Modifies the EU/t you get from a Geothermal Generator (Default = 20)
- EnergyGeneratorThermal: Modifies the EU/t you get from a Thermal Generator (Default = 25)
This Config modifies the Effectiveness of Electric Armors and how much they protect against.
So you can decide how much damage the Electric Armor should absorb. It can be 10% or 200% or 5000%.
- Valid Inputs: Anything above or equal to 0.1
- Default Input: 1
This config modifies the EnergyCost that Electric Armor has per damage it tries to absorb.
That can be by itself sometimes really unbalanced based of the type of modpack you have,
so you have here the option.
And again its a % config. You can not set a special case number you set a % of the base value.
- Valid Inputs: Anything bigger or equal to 0
- Default Input: 1
RFPerEU This Config defines how much RF you get Per EU in the Flux Generators.
- Valid Inputs: Anything bigger then 0
- Default Input: 8
- Server Synced
EUPerUU This Config modifies how much EU you need per UUMatter. It is there to allow balancing of UUMatter. Its a multiplier and the bigger you go the bigger it gets.
- Valid Inputs: Anything between: 0.01 and 1900 (Anything bigger risks the overgrowth by the number limitation the game has)
- Default Input: 1
- Requires World Reload
- Server Synced
UUNeedsScrap This config decides that you have to use Amplifier of any Sorts in the Massfabricator to produce UU-Matter. If it doesnt have Amplifier it will not produce UUMatter at all.
- Valid Inputs: true/false
- Default Input: false
- Requires World Reload
- Server Synced
Crops are hard and Random. That's what people always say.
Now with this config these problems are solved.
This Config allows you to set the Difficulty Crops have.
Now this does not act like you think. Creating a varying Difficulty is not that easy.
So here are the things that crops modify:
- Growth Speed:
Growth Speed means basically how many growth points the Crop gets on a CropTick.- Very Easy: 200%
- Easy: 130%
- Normal: 100%
- Hard: 75% but ensures 1 Growth Point.
- Breeding Default Chance:
Breeding Chance means the chance of how likely it is that neighbor Crops want to breed if they are able to.
This gets modified by some other stats but its mostly going higher.- Very Easy: 50%
- Easy: 30%
- Normal: 20%
- Hard: 10%
- Stat Growth:
Stat Growth means how the Crop Stats are changing. If they are going up or down when you breed them together.
- Very Easy: 100% Chance of Increase.
- Easy: 75% Chance of Increase, 25% Chance of Decrease
- Normal: 50% Chance of Increase/Decrease
- Hard: 25% Chance of Increase, 75% Chance of Decrease.
- Weed Spawn:
Weed Spawn means how big the Chance is of Not Weed spawning if you don't have Weed-Ex and crossing attempts Fail.- Very Easy: 4% Chance
- Easy: 2% Chance
- Normal: 1% Chance
- Hard: 0.5% Chance
- Valid Inputs: Number between 0-3 (0 = Very Easy, 1 = Easy, 2 = Normal, 3 = Hard)
- Requires World Reload/Server Restart
- Default Input: 2
ExplosionPowerNuke This Config defines how much Power a Nuke Explosion will have. To compare it a TNT Block has a Explosion Power of 4.
- Valid Inputs: Any number above or equal to 0
- Default Input: 35
ExplosionPowerReactorMax This Config defines how much Power a Nuclear Reactor Explosion will have. To compare it a TNT Block has a Explosion Power of 4.
- Valid Inputs: Any number above or equal to 0
- Default Input: 45
IC2 has a wind simulation to power the Wind Mill or Wave generator.
There are 2 Ways to make that happen. Either a basic one that counts for the whole world,
or a different one which is more realistic but eats a bit more memory.
These basically introduce wind streams which are moving in height randomly up and down.
That means you have a bit more still wind.
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Requires World Reload.
- This effects only Overworld Like Worlds.
- Default Input: false
The Realistic Wind Simulation has a Wind Stream logic. With that you can decide how many of them you want.
Small note: The more streams you add the more work your CPU gets. So don't go overboard with the amount.
- Requires World Reload.
- Valid Inputs: Anything between 1 - 20
- Default Input: 5
Wind Streams need to move and also Change direction and actual Speed every now and again.
This config decide what is the maximum time is when the Stream will change. It will be calculated randomly
but the maximum can decide how long you need to wait.
- Anything Above or equal to 250 Ticks
- Default Input: 6000
IC2 Machines/Items have sounds, the problem that IC2 has it needs a custom Sound Engine to make features
actually work since Minecrafts sound Engine has some missing features.
This Config is accessible from Ingame and you can modify sound strengths in there too or clear all active sounds.
EnableSounds What basically this allows is to disable IC2s Sound Engine.
- Valid Inputs: true / false
- Default Input: true
Master Sound Volume This Config allows you to modify all Sounds being played. You can make them loud or quiet.
- Valid Inputs: Anything between 0-1. 0 turns of the Sounds.
- Default Input: 1
Tile Sound Volume This Config allows you to change the volume of the Block Sounds.
- Valid Inputs: Anything between 0-1
- Default Input: 1
Equipped Item Sound Volume This Config allows you to change the volume of Hand Held Item Sounds.
- Valid Inputs: Anything between 0-1
- Default Input: 1
Backpack Sound Volume This Config allows you to change the volume of Armor Item Sounds.
- Valid Inputs: Anything between 0-1
- Default Input: 1
Client Configs are basically stuff that happens only on the ClientSide on the game. This is not effected by the server.
This config allows you to Decide if keybinding still work even so you have guis open.
This has maybe a effect that for example Jetpacks still work like normal if you open your Inventory.
- Valid Inputs: true/false
- Default Input: true
This Config allows you to choose what type of rendering IC2 Classic has for Crops.
This is basically at the moment a useless config but if a mod adds rendering override to IC2Classic Crops
with that you can at least control it.
- Valid Inputs: 0 = Fancy, 1 = MC Settings, 2 = Fast
- Default Input: 1