Crop Matron - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

[WARNING: This page is still being Developed]

The Crop-Matron is your Agricultural machine that takes care of your Crops.
When you supply it with Weed-Ex, Fertilizer and Hydration cells it will apply these things to nearby Crops.
Its Area of Effect is a 9x5x9 and it cycles through them slowly but surely.
It takes 405 Ticks (20 Seconds) to go through all possible positions.
When the Crop-Matron finds an IC2 Crop, it will automatically try to apply
Fertilizer, Hydration and Weed-Ex if the required components are provided.
And it will add the soil position to a separate list that it cycles through separately.

The Crop-Matron has hidden water tanks that have a capacity of 16 Buckets, which is invisible to you unless you have "The One Probe".
When you fill it with water, it will automatically try to refill the Currently used Hydration cell after it tried to hydrate something. 1mB would be 1 Durability on it.
It will also check every tick 1 Position in the Separate Soil List and if it finds a Farmland it will try to keep it hydrated, so that you don't need to have Water Sources nearby. It uses 100mB of water per hydration missing, Up to 700mB.

Power Data

Tier: LV
Max Input: 32 EU/t
Energy Storage: 1000 EU
Energy Consumption: 1 EU/t + 10 EU per Thing it refilled on the crop
Area of Effect: 9x5x9 (xyz)

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