Condensators - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki
Nuclear Reactors generate heat. Condensators consume heat. Pretty simple, right? Well, no. Unlike the Coolant Cells, the Condensators are chemical cold packs, so they cannot be cooled by vents - they need to have their fuel replaced.
Redstone Heat (RSH) Condensator
RSH can use redstone (craft together in crafting table) to recharge.
- Max Heat: 20,000
- Recharge per Redstone: 10,000
Lazuli Heat (LZH) Condensator
LZH, unlike RSH, can use both redstone and lapis to recharge and they are much bigger, But they are less efficient with redstone.
- Max Heat: 100,000
- Recharge per Redstone: 4,000
- Recharge per Lapis: 40,000