Overgrowth Fertilizer - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

Crops are useful tools for making resources grow on trees. (Well, bushes.) But it takes time for them to grow, and they need to be bred and crossbred to be efficient or give useful products. So you get impatient.

Overgrowth Fertilizer is the nuclear option. When an item of Overgrowth Fertilizer is used on a Crop stick, the Crop's growth tick rate is increased from once every 256 ticks, to once every tick, causing the affected Crop to grow, breed, crossbreed, and produce at 256x normal rate. This effect lasts for 5 minutes. However, when the effect expires, the Crop sticks must be dug up and replaced before anything else can grow in them.

Naturally, as the affected Crop sticks are ticking at 256x their normal rate, all possible Crop effects can activate at 256x normal rate. This includes growth, crossbreeding, Hydration and Fertilizer consumption, and Weed growth and spread chance. This is a sufficient increase to fully deplete a Hydration Cell or Fertilizer item every few seconds (and through that, easily kill high-stat crops through starvation), force plants to cross-breed in moments, or cause your entire farm to be overrun by Weeds. Great care must be taken with this item, but as the internet would say, "It's worth it."