Crops - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

Most of the focus of IndustrialCraft 2 is on the machinery and the industry. Why not apply industry to other things too, like agriculture? Crops are IC2's answer to that question. Crops are grown by planting ordinary growable plants onto "Cropsticks" (made from sticks, look like sticks when placed on a farm plot, the item is actually just called "Crop" though). (For clarity: this article will refer to the actual plants as "Crops", and the 'Crop' block as "Cropsticks".) Once fully grown, Crops can spread to adjacent Cropsticks, and if an empty Cropstick has two or more grown Crops around it, those other Crops can "crossbreed", creating potentially a completely different plant. Most Crops require crossbreeding to access. For further information, see Crop Breeding.

All Crops have three statistics: Growth, Yield, and Resistance.

  • Growth decreases the amount of time required for a Crop to grow to full size. It also increases the rate at which the Crop spreads and crossbreeds... and at very high levels, can cause adjacent Cropsticks to be overrun by Weeds.
  • Yield increases the number of items dropped when a Crop is harvested.
  • Resistance slightly reduces the rate at which a Crop spreads, but makes it less likely to be destroyed by Weeds. It also increases a Crop's ability to survive without Fertilizer or Hydration.

As Crops spread, they copy their previous stats, however whenever Crops crossbreed, the resulting plant will have randomly better (or worse) stats than the average of the parents.

Cropsticks themselves are TileEntities, with a set of properties in themselves.

  • Nutrients are added by using Fertilizer items on Cropsticks
  • Hydration is added by using Hydration Cells on Cropsticks
  • Weed-Ex, when applied to a Cropstick, significantly reduces the rate at which Weeds try to spread to that set of sticks. However, if used excessively, it will also randomly reduce the stats of any Crops grown on those sticks.

The total stats of a Crop, as well as its 'tier', determine the amount of Nutrients and Hydration consumed per crop growth tick. One crop growth tick occurrs every 256 server ticks (12.8 seconds), which also means that as long as Crops are hydrated and fertilized, they have a constant growth rate. If, however, the total stats on a Crop are too high, it may become extremely difficult to sustain its hydration and fertilization, and Crops with very high resource demands will likely die if they hit a growth tick with no Nutrients or Hydration.

A Full list of the Crop Farmlands:

  • Farmland:
    • +2 Humidity
  • Dirt:
    • +1 Nutrients, (if Coarse Dirt -4 Nutrients)
  • Sponge:
    • -2 Nutrients
    • +4 Humidity (if wet)
  • SoulSand:
    • -3 Humidity
    • +5 Nutrients

A full list of possible growable Crops in IC2 Classic: