Compressor - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

The Compressor does what it sounds like it does: it compresses things. It's used as a shortcut for some Vanilla recipes (Sand -> Sandstone, Snow -> Ice), for crafting more advanced IC2C components (Dense Copper Plates, Uranium Ingots, Advanced Alloy, Carbon Plates), as part of an additional fuel supply (H. Coal, Compressed Plants), or even in manufacturing Industrial Diamonds from Coal. However, the Compressor is rather slow, requiring 20 seconds for each operation.

The Compressor GUI contains 7 slots and 2 indicators, in the same format as the Electric Furnace. Input, Battery, Output, and 4 Upgrades.

The Compressor has a more Advanced MV version, the Singularity Compressor.

Power Data

Tier: LV
Max Input: 32 EU/t
Energy Storage: 800 EU
Energy Consumption: 2 EU/t
Work Time: 400 Ticks/operation

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