Electric Furnace - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

The Electric Furnace is probably the simplest IC2 machine, and it's exactly what it sounds like it is: a Furnace, powered by EU in stead of fuel. It is 53% faster than a standard Furnace (consuming 130 ticks / 6.5 seconds per operation, rather than 200 ticks / 10 seconds), and 28% more fuel efficient (when burning Coal in a Generator, each piece of Coal can smelt 10.25 items rather than 8).

The Electric Furnace GUI contains 7 slots and 2 indicators. The upper-left and center-right slots are the same input/output as a regular Furnace. The lower-left slot can hold an RE-Battery to power the machine. The lightning bolt symbol is a charge indicator, showing how much EU the Furnace contains. The right four slots are Upgrade slots. The Electric Furnace can accept Machine Upgrades and Inventory Upgrades.

The Electric Furnace has a more Advanced MV version, the Induction Furnace.

Power Data

Tier: LV
Max Input: 32 EU/t
Energy Storage: 390 EU
Energy Consumption: 3 EU/t
Work Time: 130 Ticks/operation

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