Induction Furnace - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

The Induction Furnace, a new IndustrialCraft 2 Classic block, is a better version of the Electric Furnace. The Induction Furnace is a Medium-Voltage machine, thus can connect to Gold & Bronze Cables without issue. To use higher voltage cables, Transformer Upgrades must be added in the machine's upgrade slots.

The Induction Furnace has 2 inputs, meaning that it can smelt two items at once. The Induction Furnace also has two outputs, making the Induction Furnace ideal for normal use.

Although, as with every Advanced Machine, the Induction Furnace needs to "heat up" to smelt at top-speed. Applying a Redstone Signal (or inserting a Redstone Inverter Upgrade) will begin heating the machine up without items being smelted; when the redstone signal is applied, however, the machine will immediately begin using Energy to heat up, and maintains that energy usage to maintain at its heat capacity.

The Induction Furnace, probably the cheapest of the Advanced Machines, is crafted using 7 Copper Ingots, an Electric Furnace, and an Advanced Machine Block.


Tier: MV
Max Input: 128 EU/t
Energy Storage: 10,000 EU
Energy Consumption: 1EU/t not working, 16 EU/t Working
Max Speed: 10,000
Progress Rate: Speed/30 Work/tick
Job Size: 4000 Progress
Minimum Job Time: 13 ticks

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