Cables - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki
The Cables are used to transmit power. The loss is in EU per block per packet, meaning that every packet loses the amount written in the Loss value no matter how much EU it has. The Cables can transmit any number of packets per tick.
If an unsafely insulated cable is touched by an entity while a packet passes through it, it violently discharges, damaging the entity.
Mean loss is loss of one EV packet (2048 EU) that travelled through the cable split into as many packets as needed (if the cable tier is bigger than EV, the loss is divided).
Cables can be painted with Painters and are autopainted when placed with a painter in off-hand.
ULV Cables
Ultra-Low-Current Cable
The only member of ULV crew.
- Tier: ULV
- Max EU/P/t: 5 EU
- Loss: 0.025 EU
- Mean Loss: 10.24 EU
- Shock Insulation: 3 EU
LV Cables
Uninsulated Copper Cable
- Tier: LV
- Max EU/P/t: 32 EU
- Loss: 0.3 EU
- Mean Loss: 19.2 EU
- Shock Insulation: 8 EU
Copper Cable
Be ready to craft it a lot.
- Tier: LV
- Max EU/P/t: 32 EU
- Loss: 0.2 EU
- Mean Loss: 12.8 EU
- Shock Insulation: 32 EU
MV Cables
Gold Cable
Unsafe for children under 6.
- Tier: MV
- Max EU/P/t: 128 EU
- Loss: 0.5 EU
- Mean Loss: 8 EU
- Shock Insulation: 8 EU
Insulated Gold Cable
Safer and more expensive.
- Tier: MV
- Max EU/P/t: 128 EU
- Loss: 0.45 EU
- Mean Loss: 7.2 EU
- Shock Insulation: 32 EU
2xIns. Gold Cable
Less loss is good, right?
- Tier: MV
- Max EU/P/t: 128 EU
- Loss: 0.4 EU
- Mean Loss: 6.4 EU
- Shock Insulation: 128 EU
Bronze Cable
Cheaper and lossier.
- Tier: MV
- Max EU/P/t: 128 EU
- Loss: 0.7 EU
- Mean Loss: 11.2 EU
- Shock Insulation: 8 EU
Insulated Bronze Cable
That's a bit better.
- Tier: MV
- Max EU/P/t: 128 EU
- Loss: 0.65 EU
- Mean Loss: 10.4 EU
- Shock Insulation: 32 EU
2xIns. Bronze Cable
Can be used as a cheaper replacement of Gold Cables in recipes as well.
- Tier: MV
- Max EU/P/t: 128 EU
- Loss: 0.6 EU
- Mean Loss: 9.6 EU
- Shock Insulation: 32 EU
HV Cables
Glass Fibre Cable
Just use it.
- Tier: HV
- Max EU/P/t: 512 EU
- Loss: 0.025 EU
- Mean Loss: 0.1 EU
- Shock Insulation: 512 EU
EV Cables
HV Cable
Doubles as an electric fence.
- Tier: EV
- Max EU/P/t: 2048 EU
- Loss: 1 EU
- Mean Loss: 1 EU, duh.
- Shock Insulation: 0 EU
Insulated HV Cable
- Tier: EV
- Max EU/P/t: 2048 EU
- Loss: 0.95 EU
- Shock Insulation: 128 EU
2xIns. HV Cable
Don't listen to their lies! It's an EV cable!
- Tier: EV
- Max EU/P/t: 2048 EU
- Loss: 0.9 EU
- Shock Insulation: 512 EU
4xIns. HV Cable
Lies! It's 3xIns!
- Tier: EV
- Max EU/P/t: 2048 EU
- Loss: 0.8 EU
- Shock Insulation: 2048 EU
EU-Detector Cable
Outputs redstone signal when energy passes through it.
- Tier: EV
- Max EU/P/t: 2048 EU
- Loss: 0.5 EU
- Shock Insulation: 2048 EU
EU-Splitter Cable
Disconnects itself on redstone signal.
- Tier: EV
- Max EU/P/t: 2048 EU
- Loss: 0.5 EU
- Shock Insulation: 2048 EU
LuV Cables
Plasma Cable
Technically better than Glass Fibre.
- Tier: LuV
- Max EU/P/t: 32768 EU
- Loss: 1.5 EU
- Mean Loss: 0.09375 EU
- Shock Insulation: 32768 EU