Inventory Upgrades - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

Inventory Upgrades are a customization Upgrade for Inventory Access to almost every Machine that IC2Classic adds.
To add them you require a Machine Tool in Inventory Mode to access the special Inventory for them.
Every Machine has 5 Inventory Upgrade Slots. And they get Processed from Left to right.
The order can be important.
There are Two Types of Inventory Upgrades.

  • Slot Modifiers (Which effect slots of a machine)
  • Machine Modifiers (Which effect the machine)

Machine Modifiers can be installed into every Machine that accepts Inventory Upgrades,
while not every Machine can not Accept Slot Modifiers. (In This case Nuclear Reactors cant)

Also something to Keep in mind: Almost every Machine that is rotateable will rotate Machine Access with it. So if you want to modify the left of your Machine you can do that and as soon you Rotate the Machine it will still be on the Left. That can be dissabled with a Rotation Dissable Upgrade.

Automation Upgrade

The Automation Upgrade is the most basic Inventory Upgrade.
It changes that all Inventory slots can be accessed via any side.
When you rigthclick with the Upgrade then it inverts the Effect.
That means every slot can no longer be accessed.

  • Upgrade Type: Slot Modifier

Machine Access Upgrade

The Machine Access Upgrade allows you to Modify the World Access on the Machine.
In other words you can decide which side allows Item Inserection/Extraction.
This Upgrade needs to be bound to a machine by shiftClicking onto a Machine with it.
Once bound to a Machine it will only apply Effects to that type of machine.
On top of that it will get the Default and the Master Rules of that Machine applied to the Upgrade, and when you click on a Block side it will cycle through the Possible Configurations for that Side.
Those are: Import/Export, Import, Export, None.
The Master Rules define what rules you can choose from and those can not be overriden.
That means if a masterRule is set to import you can't switch to Export or Import/Export.
It still allows you to set it to None or Import but these are your limitations.
Once you set your Rules you put this Upgrade via Machine Tool into the machines and the machine will apply them.

  • Upgrade Type: Machine Modifier

Rotation Dissable Upgrade

The Rotation Dissable Upgrade is the Upgrade to Disable Inventory Rotation.
When you define a Slot for the West Side (Left of the machine) it will always be on the left side when you look from the Front.
This Upgrade will basically force that the Slot stays on the West and not Rotate with it.

  • Upgrade Type: Machine Modifier

Slot Type Upgrade

The Slot Type Upgrade is the Upgrade to define Slot Groups to Sides which can be seen from the world.
This Upgrade needs to be bound to a machine by shiftClicking onto a Machine with it.
Once bound to a Machine it will only apply Effects to that type of machine,
on top of that it will receive all Slot Groups (Types) from the Machine.
To Modify the Slot Groups you RightClick the Upgrade.
It will open a Gui with all Slot Groups and a list of Buttons underneath them defining the sides they should be accessed from.
By toggleing them you enable/disable the Visiblity of that Slot Group from that side. Once done you click the save button to Apply the Changes and put the Upgrade via Machine Tool into the machine to apply the Effects to it.
SideNote: This Upgrade will add and remove Slot Visiblity based on how you set it.

  • Upgrade Type: Slot Modifier

Slot Access Upgrade

The Slot Access Upgrade is the Upgrade that allows you to define which Insertion/Extraction rules Apply.
These can be defined per Inventory Slot and Side.
These Rules are: Import/Export, Import, Export, None.
This Upgrade needs to be bound to machine which can be done by SneakClicking on to it.
Once bound it will apply the effects only to that type of Machine,
on top of that it will receive all the default and master rules for each slot.
Like the Machine Access Upgrade you can not modify the MasterRules but you can move inside their range.
If the master Rules says: Import then you can't say Export or Export/Import you are limited to Import or None.
To Modify the Rules you Rightclick the Upgrade.
It will open a Gui with all the Slots with buttons underneath them providing the Respective Sides and their Current Rules.
Clicking on to these Buttons will Cycle through the possible Access Rules.
Once done you click the save button to Apply the Changes and put the Upgrade via Machine Tool into the machine to apply the Effects to it.

  • Upgrade Type: Slot Modifier

Slot Side Upgrade

The Slot Side Upgrade is the Upgrade to add Visiblity to Slots for each side.
It is adding the Visiblity per slot.
This Upgrade needs to be bound to machine which can be done by SneakClicking on to it.
Once bound it will apply the effects only to that type of Machine,
on top of that it will load the Visiblity for each slot into the Upgrade.
To modify the Visiblity additions you RightClick the Upgrade.
It will open a Gui which contains the lists of Slots with buttons underneath them representing the sides.
To enable/disable the Slot Visiblity addition for the respective side you click on the button representing it.
Once done you click the save button to apply the changes and put the Upgrade via Machine Tool into the Machine to apply the additions.

Side info: This Upgrade only adds visiblity. If you disable it for a side it will basically only not add the slot to the visiblity. But the current visiblity for that side will remain the same.

  • Upgrade Type: Slot Modifier

Redstone Deconductor Upgrade

The Redstone Deconductor Upgrade is a way to Strong Redstone signals from your Machines.
By putting this Upgrade into the Machine, it will no longer allow to provide a Redstone Signal from outside sources. It will still read redstone signal from them but no longer act as a wire.
To give a Comparing info. Glass Blocks also not let redstone Signals through.

  • Upgrade Type: Machine Modifier

Slot Diversity Upgrade

The Slot Diversity Upgrade is a way to force that Items can be only inserted into one slot.
When you install this Upgrade via Machine tool into a Machine it will prevent that Items take more then 1 Slot. That includes Metadata & NBTData.
If there is more then 1 Slot being filled it will automatically cause that no Items of that type will be accepted anymore.
Until the Item takes 1 or less slots.

  • Upgrade Type: Slot Modiifer

Stack Diversity Upgrade

The Stack Diversity Upgrade is a Expansion for the Slot Diversity Upgrade.
What it does it changes the rule from 1 Slot is being allowed for each item to 1 full Stack is being allowed in the inventory that can be seen from that side.
Allowing you to have a different destribution of slots then the Slot Diversity alone.

  • Upgrade Type: Slot Modiifer

Item Limiter Upgrade

The Item Limiter Upgrade is a Expansion for the Slot Diversity Upgrade.
It changes the Behavior from 1 Slot for each Item to a set amount of that item in the inventory that can be seen in from that side.
The set amount is what is can be modified by RightClicking the Upgrade.
When you sneak it will invert the Modifictaion, and when you press the Alt Key it will 10x the modification.

  • Upgrade Type: Slot Modiifer

Stack Limiter Upgrade

The Stack Limiter Upgrade is a Expansion for the Slot Diversity Upgrade.
It changes the Behavior from 1 Slot for each Item to a set amount of that item in the inventory that can be seen in from that side.
The set amount of that item can be modified by RightClicking the Upgrade with the SideInventory Key being pressed.
That will open a gui with Slots and buttons underneath them.
You put a Item in that you want to modify the Stacksize limit, and press the buttons to modify the stacksize.
By pressing the ShiftKey while pressing these buttons you 10x the change.
Once you are done you close the Gui and insert the Upgrade into the machine via Machine Tool.

Side Info: This Upgrade works together with the Item Limiter Upgrade. So for these Items it will override the maximum stacksize.

  • Upgrade Type: Slot Modiifer