Singularity Compressor - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

A Singularity Compressor from IndustrialCraft 2 Classic (IC2C) is an Advanced version of the normal Compressor. As with every Advanced Machine, the Singularity Compressor is a Medium-Voltage block, and requires the use of Transformer Upgrades to safely connect to higher-tier energy cables.

Crafted from 7 Obsidian, a Compressor and an Advanced Machine Casing, is an ideal fit for a compressor. The Singularity Compressor has 2 Outputs (and one Input), making it optimal for normal usage. Consecutive with its other Advanced Counterparts, the Singularity Compressor needs to "heat up" to reach its fastest compressing point. The Singularity Compressor heats up when in usage, but can also be heated up if a Redstone Signal is applied; alternatively, a Redstone Inverter Upgrade can be inserted to heat up. When heating up, the Singularity Compressor uses Energy, and has a constant energy usage to maintain its heat.


Tier: MV
Max Input: 128 EU/t
Energy Storage: 10,000 EU
Energy Consumption: 1EU/t not working, 16 EU/t Working
Max Speed: 10,000
Progress Rate: Speed/30 Work/tick
Job Size: 4000 Progress
Minimum Job Time: 13 ticks

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