Dynamite Remote - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki
The Dynamite-O-Mote (Dynamite Remote) can be used to explode Dynamite Sticks that have been placed in the ground. Offered by IndustrialCraft 2 Classic (IC2C), Dynamite can either be thrown or placed down for later priming. When placed down (like any other block), can be right-clicked with a Dynamite Remote to "sync" the Stick and Remote. A gray topping will be shown once they are synced, and when the Remote is right-clicked, will detonate all explosives linked to the Remote.
Several remotes can be used to activate separate Explosives at varying times; You can place some explosives on one wall, more on the other, and link them to two separate remotes. When only one remote is detonated, it won't detonate all of the explosives, because the other explosives were linked with a different remote.
The Remote has two Crafting Recipes; one requires a Frequency Transmitter, while the other doesn't; each recipes have their benefits, dependent on the resources you have obtained.
Note: The Dynamite Remote will only detonate in LOADED CHUNKS in the SAME DIMENSION where the Remote is used. If some dynamite isn't loaded, will not remove them from its cache; it will remain stored, and when loaded, can be detonated without re-linking.