Developer Artist Guidelines - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki
Official Tier Guidelines
IC2Classic has a official Energy Tier naming/power list for its power tiers.
This is the actively used list that is final in its naming Sceme.
Short | Name | Max Voltage | Primary Cable | Input/Output Colors | Tier Color |
ULV | Ultra Low Voltage | 8 | Tin Cable | N/A | N/A |
LV | Low Voltage | 32 | Copper Cable | $\color{#A05E1D}{\text{0xA05E1D}}$ | $\color{#1EC719}{\text{0x1EC719}}$ (Plantball) |
MV | Medium Voltage | 128 | Gold Cable | $\color{#FFEF00}{\text{0xFFEF00}}$ | $\color{#D52929}{\text{0xD52929}}$ (Redstone) |
HV | High Voltage | 512 | Glassfiber Cable | $\color{#FFFFFF}{\text{0xFFFFFF}}$ | $\color{#1F69D8}{\text{0x1F69D8}}$ (Lapis) |
EV | Extreme Voltage | 2.048 | Iron Cable | $\color{#AAC4C8}{\text{0xAAC4C8}}$ | $\color{#D8E11C}{\text{0xD8E11C}}$ (Glowstone) |
IV | Insane Voltage | 8.192 | Aluminium Cable | $\color{#ECEDE3}{\text{0xECEDE3}}$ | $\color{#EF1BEC}{\text{0xEF1BEC}}$ (UU-Matter) |
LuV | Ludicrous Voltage | 32.768 | Plasma Cable | $\color{#29BBB5}{\text{0x29BBB5}}$ | N/A (Plasma Core) |
Unofficial Tier Guidelines
Greg/GT did provided its own Energy Tier List.
While the Max Voltage numbers are correct.
The names are not. They are subject to change.
Short | Name | Max Voltage |
ZPM | ZPM Voltage | 131.072 |
UV | Ultimate Voltage | 524.288 |
UHV | Highly Ultimate Voltage | 2.097.152 |
UEV | Extremely Ultimate Voltage | 8.388.608 |
UIV | Insanely Ultimate Voltage | 33.554.432 |
UMV | Mega Ultimate Voltage | 134.217.728 |
UXV | Extended Mega Ultimate Voltage | 536.870.912 |