Developer Artist Guidelines - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

Official Tier Guidelines

IC2Classic has a official Energy Tier naming/power list for its power tiers.
This is the actively used list that is final in its naming Sceme.

Short Name Max Voltage Primary Cable Input/Output Colors Tier Color
ULV Ultra Low Voltage 8 Tin Cable N/A N/A
LV Low Voltage 32 Copper Cable $\color{#A05E1D}{\text{0xA05E1D}}$ $\color{#1EC719}{\text{0x1EC719}}$ (Plantball)
MV Medium Voltage 128 Gold Cable $\color{#FFEF00}{\text{0xFFEF00}}$ $\color{#D52929}{\text{0xD52929}}$ (Redstone)
HV High Voltage 512 Glassfiber Cable $\color{#FFFFFF}{\text{0xFFFFFF}}$ $\color{#1F69D8}{\text{0x1F69D8}}$ (Lapis)
EV Extreme Voltage 2.048 Iron Cable $\color{#AAC4C8}{\text{0xAAC4C8}}$ $\color{#D8E11C}{\text{0xD8E11C}}$ (Glowstone)
IV Insane Voltage 8.192 Aluminium Cable $\color{#ECEDE3}{\text{0xECEDE3}}$ $\color{#EF1BEC}{\text{0xEF1BEC}}$ (UU-Matter)
LuV Ludicrous Voltage 32.768 Plasma Cable $\color{#29BBB5}{\text{0x29BBB5}}$ N/A (Plasma Core)

Unofficial Tier Guidelines

Greg/GT did provided its own Energy Tier List.
While the Max Voltage numbers are correct.
The names are not. They are subject to change.

Short Name Max Voltage
ZPM ZPM Voltage 131.072
UV Ultimate Voltage 524.288
UHV Highly Ultimate Voltage 2.097.152
UEV Extremely Ultimate Voltage 8.388.608
UIV Insanely Ultimate Voltage 33.554.432
UMV Mega Ultimate Voltage 134.217.728
UXV Extended Mega Ultimate Voltage 536.870.912