Ores - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

To get started with IC2C, you need to get some of the new ores! Ores are minerals found underground, and IC2C adds 4 new ones to your Minecraft game. These ores include Copper, Tin, Silver and Uranium. Copper, Tin and Silver can be processed down into their respective ingots, and some can be used to make Alloys, like Bronze.

Copper Ore

Copper Ore is one of the many ores that can now be found underground. It can be smelted into its respective ingot counterpart, the Copper Ingot, and is one of the most used ingots (apart from Refined Iron) used in IC2C. It is used to make Copper Cables, which transfer 32 EU/t, and its dust can be crafted with Tin Dust to create Bronze, another useful ingot. Due to its OreDictionary, IC2Cs copper can be used with every mod which uses the ingotCopper Ore Dictionary.

Tin Ore

Tin Ore is also a commonly used material in IC2C. Tin Ore is also found at varying heights, and its ingot is used in the creation of Batteries, Coolant Cells, Empty Cells, and has a chance in the Recycler to make Scrap Metal, used to make Scrap Metal Blades, a utility used in various other crafting recipes. Tin Ingots also make Ultra Low Current Cables, which transfer 5 EU/t, and are required in the Luminator crafting recipe.

Silver Ore

Silver Ore, a recently added ore, is a less frequently found ore, and is used in more late-game recipes. Silver Ingots are used in an alternative recipe for the Glass Fibre Cable, Liquid Fuel Generator, Uranium Enricher, EV-Transformer and various upgrades. It can also be used a Recycler to create Scrap Metal, and its dust is only used to smelt into the Silver Ingot.

Uranium Ore

And finally, Uranium Ore. Uranium Ore is the rarest of ores, and is used only for late-game purposes. Its primary function, as inferred, is their usage in Nuclear Reactors. Nuclear Reactors generate a substantial amount of power, but require a lot of infrastructure. Refer to this page for more information on Nuclear Reactors. Uranium Ingots, created when the Uranium Ore is compressed in a Compressor, can alternatively be used in a Uranium Enricher to create different "enriched" uraniums. For more information on Enriching Uranium and its uses, refer to this page.

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