Precision Wrench - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

The Precision Wrench, an upgraded version of the Wrench and Electric Wrench added by IndustrialCraft 2 Classic (IC2C), has a few beneficial distinctions from its prior, more primitive versions.

The Precision Wrench, crafted from 4 Advanced Circuits, 2 Carbon Plates, an Iridium Plate and two Wrenches , the Precision Wrench is a more expensive (to say the least) upgrade, that prevents machine loss completely.

The Precision Wrench has 30 Lossless Uses, which are only used if the machine otherwise would have been lost, that is activated by default, and can not be disabled. The Precision Wrench has a 200% loss reduction when using it, meaning that you will never loose a machine using the Precision Wrench. If these 30 Lossless uses runs out, you can add an upgrade to the Precision Wrench that makes 100% lossless.