Wrench - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

IndustrialCraft 2 Classic (IC2C) doesn't allow you to break machines with yout pickaxe, like other mods; instead, you need to use a wrench! The first wrench you'll be using is created from 6 Bronze Ingots .

The Wrench is used in many ways, most notably picking up and rotating machines.

  • To pick up a machine, right-click on the machine front.
  • To pick up a machine, shift-right-click on the machine back.
  • To rotate the machine front to the side you click on, right-click any side that is not the machine front.
  • To rotate the machine front to the opposite side of the side you click on, shift-right-click any side.
  • To cycle through a machine sides clockwise, alt-right-click.
  • To cycle through a machine sides counter-clockwise, shift-alt-right-click.
  • Rotating a Machine uses 1 Durability.
  • Performing a Special Action on a Machine uses 5 Durability.
  • Picking up a Machine uses 10 Durability.

If the wrench can't rotate a machine, the wrench will attempt to perform a special action on the machine, and if the wrench fails to perform a special action on the machine, will drop the machine instead. The bronze wrench doesn't guarantee you will always pick up your machine, and each machine has a percentage of failure for dropping itself. Better wrenches, such as the Electric Wrench and Precision Wrench, will lower the percentage a machine can fail.

Special Actions:

  • Terraformer: Takes blueprint out
  • Cable: Takes anchor off
  • Luminator: Removes one side of a multipart luminator

The wrench is also used for crafting the MFS Unit Upgrade Kit and the Electric Wrench.