Canning Machine - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

The Canning Machine is the final machine used to package items or fill equipment to make them usable. It is used to fill Tin Cans with food (causing the resulting food to directly heal hitpoints in addition to restoring Hunger), fill Electric Sprayers, CF Backpacks, Jetpacks, and Fuel Cans with Construction Foam and Fuel, and enhance filled Fuel Cans with various other additives to increase their value.

When filling Tin Cans, the number of Cans filled is dependent upon the value of the inserted food item. More valuable items are split into multiple equal Cans. However, certain bad foods (such as Spider Eyes or Rotten Flesh) will return Tin Cans with the tooltip "This looks bad...". Consuming such a can will also apply the original (Hunger or Poison) negative effect. When filling Fuel Cans, 6 Coalfuel or Biofuel Cells are required. (A mix can be used, each Cell contributes its own value to the final Can.) Additives are applied 1 at a time, however their bonuses do stack. When filling Construction Foam backpacks or sprayers, 130 CF Pellets are required to fill a backpack, and 100 Pellets are required to fill an Electric Sprayer. [The conventional CF Sprayer is filled via shapeless crafting.]

The Canning Machine GUI contains only 8 slots. The upper-middle slot is the item to be canned. The lower middle slot is the can to be filled. The right side is the output, and the left side is a Battery slot. The other 4 Slots on the Right are the Upgrade Slots

A recent addition to the Canning Machine allows it to refill fillable items, not dislike the RSH and LZH Condensators. Using their proper filling material, below is a list of refillable items:

  • RSH Condensators
  • LZH Condensators
  • Neutron Reflector
  • Thick Neutron Reflector
  • Iridium Neutron Reflector

The Canning Machine has a (much) more Advanced MV version, the Vacuum Canner.

Power Data

Tier: LV
Max Input: 32 EU/t
Energy Storage: 631 EU
Energy Consumption: 1 EU/t
Work Time: 100 Ticks/operation (Food or Fuel); 50 Ticks/operation (Construction Foam)
Note: When filling Fuel Cans, each Fuel Cell consumes its own 100 Ticks; and if the target Fuel Can is removed, stored progress and fuel is lost.

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