Electrolyzer - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

The Electrolyzer is a machine that electrolyzes water and magnetizes magnets. It has no battery inputs and cannot take power from wires, requiring a Storage Unit nearby. It cannot work with Personal Storage, Battery Stations or Creative Storage. It needs the storage to be at least 70% full to charge and to be 30% full or lower to discharge. The machine's maximum EU/t input and output and discharge's efficiency depend on the storage tier. It cannot blow up.

The Electrolyzer GUI contains 2 slots and 1 indicator. The left slot is a charge-up slot. The right slot is an output/discharge slot. The bar in the middle is the charge bar. The Electrolyzer can accept Inventory Upgrades.

The Electrolyzer has a more Advanced MV version, the Charged Electrolyzer.

Power Data

Tier: No tier
Energy Storage: From recipe
Input Storage Limit: 70%
Output Storage Limit: 30%
Discharge Efficiency: 60% + 10% * Cell Tier
Energy Consumption: Cell EU/t / 16

Cell Tier Efficiency Consumption
BatBox 1 70% 2 EU/t
MFE 2 80% 8 EU/t
MFSU 3 90% 32 EU/t
PESU 6 120% 2048 EU/t

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