Advanced Comparator - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki
The Advanced Comparator is a Upgraded Comparator which adds some old features back again and removes some other features.
Since the 1.8 Update Minecraft removed the Sidedes for a Comparator. No matter which side you placed it on,
the Comparator readed always the same values.
Since IC2C Machines have a lot of Comparator Values to read and people can choose what you want to read the sidedness feature was needed.
And the AdvComparator was born.
You can place the AdvComparator on Any Side, and Rotate it into any direction of that side.
So 24 Possible Rotations overall (instead of 4).
On top of it there are some efficiency improvements in this version which makes it more serverfriendly then the normal Comparator.
Only downside is it doesnt search for ItemFrames. So that feature is completly removed.
On top of it its using a TileEntity Model to render stuff since there is to many Possible cases to make it metadata compatible.
For modders: This Comparator supports vanilla Comparing but also has a Special Interface which adds sidedness in the API