Magnetizer - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

[WARNING: Any information on this page may not be accurate with the latest IC2C version, Thank You!]

The Magnetizer, a block offered by IndustrialCraft 2 Classic (IC2C), has the ability to "magnetize" or "charge" Iron Fences above or below it up to 20 blocks. When the player walks up to the metal pole, and has compatible "metal boots" equipped, the player will be propelled upwards.

The Magnetizer can be rightclicked with an [Overclocker Upgrade](Machine Upgrades#overclocker-upgrade). It allows the Magnetizer to accept any amount of fences, upgrades its energy storage and upgrades its tier to 2 but increases the energy consumption x10.

###Power Data

Tier: LV / MV
Max Input: 32 EU/t / 128 EU/t
Energy Storage: 100 EU / 10000 EU
Energy Consumption on Charging: 1 EU/blockcharge / 10 EU/blockcharge
Known Compatible Metallic Boots:

  • Iron Boots (Minecraft)
  • Chain Boots (Minecraft)
  • Gold Boots (Minecraft)
  • Bronze Boots (IC2C)
  • Composite Boots (IC2C)
  • NanoSuit Boots (IC2C)
  • QuantumSuit Boots (IC2C)
  • Sentient Boots (Blood Magic)
  • Living Boots (Blood Magic)
  • Radiation Suit Boots (DeepResonance)
  • Steel Boots (RailCraft)
  • Water Walking Boots (Random Things)
  • Obsidian Water Walking Boots (Random Things)
  • Lava Waders (Random Things)

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