CF Sprayer - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

The CF-Sprayer is your most basic tool to create Construction Foam on a large scale.
While you can craft Construction Foam Wall from Construction Foam, it is rather wasteful to go that route.

You can compress Construction Foam into pellets which you can use to get more out of your CFoam.
Each pellet grants you 12 blocks of CFoam when inserted into a CF-Sprayer.

A CF-Sprayer can be made with 1 Stick and 4 Cobblestone
and can be refilled by placing the CF-Sprayer with CF-Pellets around it in the crafting table.

Whenever you right-click with the sprayer it will spray up to 13 blocks in a random form based on your facing.
It is a nice way to create clouds.
If you would like to get a bit more structure into it, you can use scaffolds to build a form and spray it.
The sprayer will automatically try to form the structure as long its in the range of 13 blocks.

If you spray Reinforced Scaffolds you get Reinforced Stone after the CF is dried.

You also have the ability to spray cables with the CF-Sprayer to hide them.

To dry CFoam faster than it does on ins own click it with a sandblock.

When you have a CF-Pack in your Armor/Baubles Slot the CF-Sprayer will not drain itself it will take CF from your CF-Pack first. This allows you to spray more with less refilling.

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