Thermometer - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

The Thermometer, a recently new addition to the IndustrialCraft 2 Classic (IC2C) tool family, has no purpose other then to view Nuclear Reactor heat statuses. When a Nuclear Reactor is right-clicked with a Thermometer, it will display a message in chat reading "Heat: X/Y" - X being the current heat of the Reactor, Y being the total heat a Reactor can hold. If a Reactor is placed down, and no components have been placed inside, the message will read "Heat: 0/10000". Monitoring heat is very important when it comes to Nuclear Reactors; it should hover and stay at one certain number. If it is increasing, your base may be a crater very shortly.

The Thermometer is crafted using one Tin Ingot , 5 Glass, and a Water Cell , and has a durability of 200.