Cells - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki
Cells, or Fluid Cells, are IndustrialCraft 2 Classic's (IC2C) way of transferring Fluids. Certain machines require Fluids to run, or create fluids for use in other machines. Empty Cells are created from 4 tin ingots, which yields 16 Cells. These can be filled with variable substances, including Water, Lava, Compressed Air, H. Coal, Coalfuel, Bio(mass), Biofuel, Electrolyzed Water, Fuel, Wood Gas, Plasma, and Refined Uranium Ingots (or their respective Uranium Alloys) to create Uranium Cells, used in Nuclear Reactors. Empty Cells are used in the recipes of a Geothermal Generator, Pump, Wood Gasificator, Electric Wood Gasificator, Near-depleted Uranium Cells, Electrolyzer, Weed-EX, and filled with the various substances through crafting. When put in a compressor, is compressed into a "Compressed Air Cell", which is used in the recipe for the Vacuum Canner and as an underwater air source.
Empty Cells store 1000mb (1 Bucket) of a Fluid, and variable amounts of other substances.
Cells are disposable and, unless used by delicate enough machines or on fluid tanks, are generally consumed on use outright.
Water Cells
Water Cells, created when Empty Cells are filled with Water, are used to carry Water around, in larger quantities then a Vanilla buckets (as they are stackable). Water Cells are used to create Hydrated Coal & Charcoal Dust, along with the Thermometer and Coolant Cells, Overgrowth Fertilizer, Construction Foam, Obsidian, and different coffees. The water can also be extracted when crafted with an empty bucket or glass bottle. When placed in an Extractor, creates a Hydration Cell; when placed in a Compressor, creates a Snowball; finally, when placed in an Electrolyzer, creates Electrolyzed Water, or more correctly, an Electrolyzed Water Cell.
Lava Cells
Lava Cells, the opposite of Water Cells, are created when Empty Cells are filled wihh Lava, and used to carry around lava in larger quantities. The Lava Cell is used to create Heating Cells, Obsidian, and when crafted with a bucket, a Lava Bucket. The Lava Cell can also be used in a Furnace, or Generator, much more efficient then using vanilla Lava Buckets, due to the Cells stacking ability.
Wood Gas Cells
Wood Gas Cells are created when Wooden Logs are processed in either the Wood Gasificator or the Electric Wood Gasificator. Wood Gas can be used in a Liquid Fuel Generator to create 10 EU/t, and compressed in an Extractor to create Biofuel Cells. Wood Gas is also a "liquid", and can be stored in Fluid Tanks offered by IC2C or other mods.
Compressed Air Cells
Compressed Air Cells allow breathing underwater when used together with a Scuba Helmet. They trigger when air is below 33% and restore 50%.
H. Coal Cells
H. Coal Cells are processed in an Extractor to produce Coalfuel Cells.
Coalfuel Cells
Coalfuel Cells are a fuel used in the Fuel Cans. They have a value of 2548 fuel units. They can also be used to refuel Fuel Jetpacks.
Bio Cells
Bio Cells are processed in an Extractor to produce Biofuel Cells.
Biofuel Cells
Biofuel Cells are a fuel used in the Fuel Cans. They have a value of 868 fuel units. They cannot be used to refuel Jetpacks.
Electrolyzed Water Cells
Electrolyzed Water Cells are an item-based EU storage. They are created in an Electrolyzer and have to discharge in it as well. They are stackable and store 20,000 EU.
They are also used in the Centrifugal Extractor recipe.
Fuel Cells
Fuel Cells are a multiplier used in the Fuel Cans. They have a value of 70%. They are created by irradiating [Inactive Fuel Cells](Misc Components#fuel cells) in a breeder [Reactor](Nuclear Reactor).
Plasma Cells
Plasma Cells are used to create Plasma Cores. They are created by melting down 10 UU-Matter in a Plasmafier.