Wood Gasificator - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

The "Wood Gasificator", a No-Voltage machine introduced by IndustrialCraft 2 Classic (IC2C), is a machine that burns fuel and Wooden Logs (using the Ore Dictionary entry logWood) to create 1000mb of "Wood Gas", a new "fluid" added. Wood Gas can be burned in a Liquid Fuel Generator to create 10 EU/t, or extracted (in Cell form) to create Biofuel Cells.

The Process, in the Wood Gasificator, takes 160 ticks to process 1 item, and it shares the Output Slot for Charcoal and Fluid Cell filling. The Wood Gas can also be extracted directly from the machine, due to its internal storage.

The Electric Wood Gasificator runs off Energy, and has a "better" GUI then the normal Gasificator.