Electric Wood Gasificator - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

The "Electric Wood Gasificator", a Low-Voltage Machine introduced by IndustrialCraft 2 Classic (IC2C), is the electric version of the Wood Gasificator, and uses Energy and Wooden Logs (Ore Dictionaried under logWood) to create 810mb of Wood Gas, which can be burnt in a Liquid Fuel Generator to create 10EU/t, or compressed in a Extractor to create Biofuel cells.

The Electric Wood Gasificator, unlike its NV counterpart, takes 130 ticks to process and uses 1 EU/t (130 EU per Process). The Electric Wood Gasificator can also have the Wood Gas it generates extracted from it, due to its internal storage.

Power Data

Tier: LV
Max Input: 32 EU/t
Energy Storage: 500 EU
Energy Consumption: 1 EU/t
Work Time: 130 Ticks/operation

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