Extractor - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

The Extractor is one of the less obvious IC2C machines, but one of the more important machines early on. The Extractor is almost exclusively a resource refinement machine. It has 3 purposes: increasing the output of Rubber from Sticky Resin (required extensively for Cables), extracting gems from gem Ores (Diamond, Emerald, Lapis, Coal), and refining Biofuel and Coalfuel into their final forms (to be sent to a Canning Machine for filling a Fuel Can). However, like the Compressor, the Extractor is rather slow (20 seconds per operation).

The Extractor GUI contains 7 slots and 2 indicators, in the same format as the Electric Furnace. Input, Battery, Output, and 4 Upgrades.

The Extractor has a more Advanced MV version, the Centrifugal Extractor.

Power Data

Tier: LV
Max Input: 32 EU/t
Energy Storage: 800 EU
Energy Consumption: 2 EU/t
Work Time: 400 Ticks/operation

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