Centrifugal Extractor - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

IndustrialCraft 2 Classic (IC2C) adds some pretty cool stuff. The Centrifugal Extractor is one of them.

The Centrifugal Extractor, the Advanced version of the Extractor, is a Medium-Voltage Machine, thus can connect to Cables that transmit 128 EU/t and below. Sending it a voltage higher then MV (HV and above, so 129 EU/t and above) can cause the machine to explode if the proper Transformer Upgrades are not installed.

Crafted from 7 Electrolyzed Water Cells, an Extractor and an Advanced Machine Block, the Centrifugal Extractor is an ideal utility for normal usage. The Centrifugal Extractor has one Input and 3 Outputs, resulting in a stack of Sticky Resin easily being processed without having to continue taking out (or exporting) the Rubber. The Centrifugal Extractor also has 2 Upgrade Possibilities, which Overclocker Upgrades can't be put into.

As with every Advanced Machine, the Centrifugal Extractor must first "heat up" before it can meet its maximum speed. It begins heating up when in usage, but can also have a Redstone Signal applied to it (or a Redstone Inverter Upgrade added) to heat it up (and maintain its speed) when not running. When heating up (and maintaining its speed, or "heat"), the Centrifugal Extractor will consistently draw energy.


Tier: MV
Max Input: 128 EU/t
Energy Storage: 10,000 EU
Energy Consumption: 1EU/t not working, 16 EU/t Working
Max Speed: 10,000
Progress Rate: Speed/30 Work/tick
Job Size: 4000 Progress
Minimum Job Time: 13 ticks

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