Fuel Cans - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki
The Fuel Cans are a highly customizable fuel source that is available in IC2C.
The Fuel Cans are created in a Canner from Fuels and Additives. The Fuel Can has 6 or 10 slots, depending on the machine it's created in - the basic Canner can only put 6 ingredients in a Fuel Can while the advanced Vacuum Canner can put all 10. It's impossible to make an incomplete Fuel Can, and any ingredient that is already in processing when an empty Fuel Can is removed is wasted.
The Fuel Cans are created from two types of ingredients - Fuels and Additives. It's possible to create a Fuel Can without any Additives but it's completely impossible to make one without any Fuel.
During the creation of the Fuel Can, you can put up to 10 Fuels or Additives. The first ingredient has to be a Fuel. It's a good practice to add all the Fuels first because otherwise some of the Fuel Value is wasted. Fuels add a flat amount of fuel, while Additives multiply already added Fuel by 100% + Additive Value.
Fuel Value is in Fuel Ticks - time that the Fuel Can takes to burn out completely in a furnace, in 1/20 fractions of a second. Fuel Cans can be used in any fueled furnace, boiler, anywhere where solid fuel like Planks is accepted, and they burn in increments 500 Fuel Ticks, which is 25 seconds of burning in a stone furnace - 2,5 smelted items or an equivalent of 5 sticks.
Due to Fuel Value being rounded multiple times during the creation, the actual Fuel Value of a Fuel Can can differ from the calculated value.
Fuels | Fuel Ticks | Fuel Multiplier |
Biofuel Cell | 868 Ticks | None |
Coalfuel Cell | 2548 Ticks | None |
Redstone | None | +20% |
Glowstone Dust | None | +30% |
Gunpowder | None | +40% |
Fuel Cell | None | +70% |