Plasmafier - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

The Plasmafier is your bridge to Endgame resources.
It is a machine that requires UU-Matter and a lot of Power to produce Plasma.

This Plasma can be filled into a Cell which will be used to produce Engame based Items/Blocks.
It Consumes over the time of 1000 Ticks (50 Seconds) 10 UU-Matter and 10240000EU to produce 1 Plasma Cell.

It can store up to 10 Cells worth of Plasma in its internal Storage.

Power Data

Tier: EV
Max Input: 2048 EU/t
Energy Storage: 5120000 EU
Energy Consumption: 10240 EU/t
Work Time: 1000 Ticks/operation

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