Explosives - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

Industrial TNT

Industrial TNT (ITNT for short) is your Upgraded version of TNT.
It is made out of 3 TNT and 6 Flint.
ITNT causes a 37.5% Power Increase of the Explosion and a 90% Drop chance of the Destroyed Blocks.
So a more Effective TNT for a cheap price.


Dynamite is the way to mine holes quickly or setup Cool Traps.
It is made out of 1 TNT and 1 String.
There is two ways that you can use it.

  • You throw it and it will explode after or short time.
  • You place it down By Sneak Clicking and ignite it by giving it a redstone signal or a Remote signal.

Since it's so small it will only give off a tiny Explosion But it has a 100% Drop for the blocks it destroys.

Sticky Dynamite

Stick Dynamite is your Upgraded version of Dynamite.
By applying Sticky Resin to dynamite in your crafting table you get sticky dynamite.
Like Dynamite, it can be thrown. But as soon it collides with something, it sticks to it until the explosion occurs or the Block disappears.
Sadly with this change you can also no longer place it down.


The Dynamite-O-Mote is a Tool to detonate Dynamite from a safe distance.
By Right Clicking on a Dynamite Stick you link it to the Dynamite-O-Mote.
Then, when you Right Click into the air it will automatically ignite all the Dynamite that you have linked it to.
If some of these are unloaded it will not matter, it will ignore those and keep them stored until you click again with them in range.


The Nuke is your Ultimate tool of Destruction (Hope you get the Reference).
It has 875% more power in explosion than a Normal piece of TNT and creates a huge crater around its explosion radius.
If you don't want to get blasted then run for your life.
While not only doing a lot of Blasting damage it also applies a lot of the Hunger Potion effect and the Radiation Poison effect which will hurt you a lot. The Explosion Strength can be changed in the Config.
Due to the fact that Obsidian and various other Hard blocks got Nerfed in their Explosion Resistance Nukes will do a lot of Damage.
But by default it can't break Reinforced stone or Irdium Stone. Nukes can no longer be activated by an explosion so chain reactions are not possible.

Also, to get the "Fool Proof" Achievement you have to activate the nuke with a Fire Charge or Flint&Steel.