Sound Beacon - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

WARNING: This page is currently incomplete. Some information will be added later.

Every mod uses Sounds to make the game more interesting; IndustrialCraft 2 Classic (IC2C) also does this. The Sound Beacon, a n EU-dependent block, can be compared to the Sound Muffler from Extra Utilities 2, although its primary goal is to modify sounds, not dampen them.

Using the Sound Beacon, you can make IC2C sounds either lower or louder then their default form. By default, it has a radius of 5 blocks, but can be increased using Field Expansion upgrades, which has three tiers:

  • Basic expands the Radius by 2 Blocks
  • Normal expands the Radius by 5 Blocks
  • Advanced expands the Radius by 10 Blocks

The Sound Beacon uses 5 EU over 5 ticks (equivalent to 1 EU/t, although doesn't draw every tick), and has an energy storage of 20,000 EU.