Cropnalyzer - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

The Cropnalyzer is your assistent in the Crop Department.
Not only does it show you what your crop is but also how to make it to something different.
On top of that it shows you information to make your life easier on the crop sticks making breeding & farming easier.

A jack of all trades about crop breeding and you will have it a lot harder without this tool.
It is made out of 2 Copper cables, 1 Redstone, 1 Circuit and 4 glass.

It has modes which provide you with all the information:

  • Analyzer Mode:
    Allows you to Analyze your Crops manually and read stats from it.
    Extra to that it allows you to read cropstick info either by clicking a cropstick on it or with Waila/OneProbe.
    When ShiftClicking on to a Crop Stick to analyze the Planted Crops.

  • Breeding Mode:
    Allowing you to do predict what your Crop breeding can result into.
    You can set in there out of a creative pool a fake Crop Breed which will have the same results as your crop sticks.
    There are up to 4 Possible Plants. This Prediction can get Inaccurate with more then 2 crops setup because Crops join randomly a breeding process.

The Anaylzer mode is the only mode which eats up EU and the Breeding Mode is completly Free.