Industrial Worktable - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki
The Industrial Worktable is a really powerful tool to help you manage IC2Classic and other mods.
What it is not: A Tool to automate Crafting.
It is there to aid you in Crafting.
Lets provide a FeatureList.
Recipe Saving
When a Recipe is set in the Crafting Grid you can simply hit the Save Button to save it in the "Memory Slots" on the right side of the gui. When you click on a Memory Slot with a Recipe it will load it automatically into the Crafting Grid. Middle Mouse Click will delete the recipe from the memory slot.
By default the Worktable has 9 recipe slots in total. This can be expanded to 27 by using MemorySticks. Note that the slots that are unlocked will save the recipes into the sticks directly and not into the Block.
Recursive Crafting.
When enabled the Industrial Worktable will automatically SubCraft items that it misses, provided you taught it the recipes required to do so. When items miss it tells you which recipe it couldn't craft and what it ran out of.
Note there is limitations to this.
- It can subcraft only 512 Recipes per item you craft.
- Each Recipe is only allowed to subcraft 5 recipes deep
- It can only craft 1 stack of items max per ShiftCraft.
To Provide a Example. Crafting a Chest requires planks which require logs. So: Chest -> Planks -> Logs So it is 1 layer deep (as it crafts logs to planks) And uses 2 SubCrafts (because you need to craft planks twice)
Auto Restock Feature
The AutoRestock Feature basically refills the Inventory after a Successful Craft. But Only the items that were used in a Craft.
Crafing Insulated Copper Cables will refill for example Copper & Rubber This also applies to recursion. it basically compares the inventory before the craft and after the craft and refills everything.
Keeping the Original Layout together.
The Restock will basically grab items from directly connecting inventories. With a Drawer or large buffer of some form this can be really really powerful. But isn't perfect.
But that covers the Industrial Worktable. The Block that can Rival, but not Replace Applied Energistics and Refined Storage!