Compacting Recycler - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

Have you ever needed Scrap? It's a very useful addition from IndustrialCraft 2 Classic (IC2C), as it's used in the Mass Fabricator as an Amplifier to create UU-Matter! A Recycler is a great way to get Scrap, but the Compacting Recycler is an even better way.

The Compacting Recycler is crafted from 7 Pistons, a Recycler, and an Advanced Machine Block. As with the normal Recycler, any items inserted has a chance to become Scrap; else, it will disappear. Any Metal Items inserted has a chance to become Scrap Metal, and if 9 Scrap is inserted, will compress into a Scrap Box: if Scrap is inserted in the Recycler, and is an amount less then 9, it will do nothing.

As with every Advanced Machine, the Compacting Recycler needs to "heat up" to reach its maximum speed potential. When running a process, will gradually speed up, but will stop when its process is over. When a redstone siganl applied (or Redstone Inverter Upgrade inserted), the Machine will begin to draw EU and heat up. EU will continue to be used even when fully heated, to maintain its speed.


Tier: MV
Max Input: 128 EU/t
Energy Storage: 10,000 EU
Energy Consumption: 1EU/t not working, 11 EU/t Working
Max Speed: 10,000
Progress Rate: Speed/30 Work/tick
Job Size: 333 Progress
Minimum Job Time: 1 ticks

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