Video Tutorials - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki
When reading text on top of text is too much for you, we have a video Series for you where the mod is covered.
Here we have the video playlist:
Which covers the start of the mod. A basic coverage of what is in the mod as well as early game machines and pre-power features.
Crops & Brewing
Which provides a crash-course + the addition of a link to a more detailed Crop breeding tutorial. Also a crash-course on Brewing beers.
Power Gen
Which is going through all the Power Production possibilities and allowing you to see what you can use for generating power.
Power Storage (In production)
Which covers the Power Storage options, cables, transformers, and chargepads.
Base Machines
Basic/Adv Machines
End Game Machines
This will cover machines and there will be a lot to show since IC2Classic has a lot of machines.
Tools & Upgrades (In production)
That will cover all the Upgrades, how they work and all the tools with details on how you can actually use them.
Reactors (In production)
Everything you need to know on how to blow up your own base... or others.