Painters - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki
The Painter is the Tool which allow you to recolor Blocks.
The main use of it is to Color Cables and allow you to prevent Connection between Cables.
On top of that you can rightclick any dyeable Block to Re-Color it.
To give a Examples: It works with Wool, Stained Clay, Stained Glass, Stained Glass Pane.
On top of that if you have a Painter in your Off-Hand and place a cable down it will instantly dye your cables.
Just to keep in mind it only works if the Painter is in the overhand.
Also when you Right-Click the Painter with the Mode Switch Key Pressed the Auto Paint Refill Mode will enable.
When this mode is Enabled the Painter when it would run out it would refill from dye that is in your Inventory if you have the right type.
The Auto Paint Refill supports the OreDictionary.
The Painter has 32 Uses once created or Refilled.
And all 16 Colors are featured.
Mod Support is included