Teleporter - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

The Teleporter is your Device to Travel Medium/Long Distances for an appropriate EU cost.
It is made out of 1 Diamond, 4 Advanced Circuits, 1 AdvMachine, 2 Glass Fiber Cable and 1 Frequency Transmitter.
As long you can provide enough EU the Teleporter can teleport you anywhere you want.

To use it you put 1 Teleporter down and place a second one at your Destination and link them both with a Frequency Transmitter.
Once linked you establish a Bidirectional Teleportation System which needs to be fed with Power.
You do that by Placing some form of EnergyStorage (Batbox, MFE, MFSU, PESU) next to the Teleporter on any side that is not the Teleport Pad.
When teleported you land on the side where the Teleporter is facing, which can be set by wrenching the Teleporter.
Dimensional Teleportation is also possible but it will increase the energy cost a bit more since traveling through Dimensions is not as easy to achieve as normal Teleportation.

The Teleporter is not only for Entity/Player Teleportation.
You can also Teleport Items/Fluids/Energy with it.
There is a Tiny Catch to this. You can't teleport from Everything.
There are certain Blocks which are allowed but the Receiver can be anything As long it can receive the type of item/fluid/energy you are sending.

To define what the Teleporter is doing place the Type of Transportation on the Telepad on both sides.
Things that the Teleporter can Teleport from:

  • Items

    • Chests
    • Iron Chests
    • Any Drawer
  • Fluids

    • Personal Tank
    • Extra Utils Drums
    • Railcraft MultiBlockTanks
  • Energy

    • Batbox
    • MFE
    • MFSU
    • PESU

This type of Teleportation is not your Usual Thermal Expansion Tesseract Teleportation or EnderIO Dimension Transceiver Teleportation.
It is a Bulk Teleporation, to clarify: It will Teleport everything that it finds in the Connecting Target.
As much as the Power being Provided permits.
Need to teleport a "Whole 133k Drawer over?" That's done instantly.

Only one thing is left: Teleportations can not cross types. That means you can't Teleport Players to an Item Teleporter or Teleport an Item to something that can't accept Items.

To Activate the teleporter, give it a Redstone Pulse. Once The teleporter tries to Teleport something it will block any Teleportation until the Redstone signal is gone for at least 1 Second. This is for Preventing Death Traps.

Right Clicking with a EU-Reader on to a Teleporter will tell you the Cost of the Teleportation of each type and some more detailed info.