EU Reader - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

The IndustrialCraft 2 Classic (IC2C) EU Reader is your ultimate tool to read energy information. With 9 modes, any energy information you need will be yours.

When the EU Reader is on your Hotbar, Item and Block tooltips on energy information will appear; it will also show you tooltips on some progress bars, which should give you a feeling on how it works.

When a Teleporter or Teleporter Hub is right-clicked with the EU Reader, the EU Reader will display the Distance and Cost of the Teleporter; it will display how far it's teleporting, and the energy cost of teleporting.

Average Measuring
The Average Measuring mode allows you to see how much EU flows through a cable or from a generator into a machine. The Average is calculated over time.

Capabilities Measuring
The Capabilities Measuring mode allows you to see the Capabilities on the varying machines, cables, generators, energy storage units, etc; the Capabilities include Max Input, Max Transfer-rate, Energy Loss, and Energy Provided.

Total Emitted Measuring
The Total Emitted Measuring mode shows you the total flow of energy through a Machine, Cable, Generator, or Energy Storage Unit since placed; shows energyFlow through utilities since it got loaded.

Packet Measuring
Shows you how many energy packets are flowing through a cable, and how much energy these packets contain.

Total Packets Measuring
The Total Packets Measuring mode shows you how many energy packets flowed through a cable since placed, and how much the energy it sent; shows total energy packets that have flowed since the cable got loaded, and how many energy these packets sent.

Source Path Renderer
The Source Path Renderer gives you a visual representation of how energy is flowing from Source to Sink; other people can see the visual representation as well. The visual representation can be eliminated if the "Hud Key" is pressed.

Sink Path Renderer
The Sink Path Renderer gives you a visual representation fo how energy is flowing from Sink to Source; other people can see the visual representation as well. The visual representation can be eliminated if the "Hud Key" is pressed.