Bronze Armor - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki
Bronze is a helpful Alloy in IndustrialCraft 2 Classic (IC2C), and can be used to make Armor. Bronze Armor is relatively cheap to make (as Bronze is only 3 Copper Dust and 1 Tin Dust), but very strong as well. With Iron Armor durability, supplies Diamond Armor protection.
Bronze Helmet
Crafted from 5 Bronze, has 165 Durability and gives the player 3 Armor Points.
Bronze Chestplate
Crafted from 8 Bronze, has 240 Durability, while giving the player 8 Armor Points. It can be crafted with any Jetpack type to add protection to the Jetpack.
Bronze Leggings
Crafted from 7 Bronze, has 225 Durability and supplies the player with an extra 6 Armor Points.
Bronze Boots
195 Durability and offering 3 extra Armor Points, can be crafted using 4 Bronze.