Luminators - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

Luminators are your Electric Aproach to a Lighting System.
You use a Tiny amount of EU to produce Light.

Luminators are made from 1 Copper Cable, 1 Tin Cable & 7 Glass, and can be put on cables, Blocks and other things to produce light.

When you charge Luminators with a cable it has a Power Storage of 50EU.
While when you click it with any form of Battery it has a maximum Power Storage of 10000EU.
The Luminator uses 0.25EU/t and produces a light level of 15. When you place down a Luminator you can click with anything that is registered in the OreDictionary as Glass,
then 3 things will happen.
The First thing is that the Luminator will be in the glass block, the second one will be that the Luminator no longer requires a support block to stay on and the last thing is its BoundingBox will be set to a full Block.

It's a nice way to make your buildings look more fancy, with these kind of lights.
Sneak Right Clicking with an empty hand will remove the Glass.

Luminator (MultiPart)

You can Craft Luminators into Multipart Versions.
Before you go crazy that has nothing to do with FMB or FMP or anything like that.
The Multipart Luminators are basically Luminators which will hook into the same Block as the Cable,
but there is a couple downsides to using that method.
You lose these abilities:

  • The Cable can no longer be foamed
  • The Cable can no longer be anchored.

But you can have luminators tight on your Cables and so you do not lose a block space.
The Multipart Luminator uses 0.25EU/t per luminator on the cable.