Treetap - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

The Treetap is probably the first tool you'll craft with IndustrialCraft 2 Classic (IC2C). It's crafted using 5 Wooden Planks, and is used to gather Sticky Resin from Rubber Trees , which can be processed (in multiple ways) to [Rubber]], which is used in various recipes, including that of the [[Pump]], [Mining Pipe , Extractor, and Electric Treetap.

To use the Treetap, you need to right-click a full resin spot on the rubber tree. You can try to drain an empty spot, but it both has an chance of giving out resin and completely destroying the spot.

The Treetap is also used with the Booze Barrel, to create a "tap" for the Barrel.

Durability: 16 uses
Chance of destroying the tapping spot: 20%