Pump - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki
Fluids are annoying, but can also be used to generate Energy (ex. Lava in a Geothermal Generator). IndustrialCraft 2 Classic (IC2C) adds ways to gather large amounts of fluids! These machines are called Pumps. There are three; the Pump, Ranged Pump and Overclocked Pump. The first is explained below.
The Pump gathers fluids directly below it. Being a Low Voltage machine, can accept up to 32 EU/t; receiving 33+ EU/t will cause the machine to explode. The Pump uses 1 EU/t, and takes 200 ticks (200 EU) to pump up one block. When Cells are supplied to it, will automatically put the pumped fluid in the Cell, and placed filled Cells into containers next to it. Alternatively, will fill Fluid-Accepting blocks (like a Tank) next to it automatically.
When used in conjunction with the Miner, will pump fluids the Miner encounters. If pumping water and a Compressor is next to it, will create snowballs; the Pump is replacing the Water Cells in the Compressor.
Tier: LV
Max Input: 32 EU/t
Energy Storage: 200 EU
Energy Consumption: 1 EU/t
Work Time: 200 Ticks/operation