Depleted Isotope Cells - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki

Fuel Cells last a long time, but not forever, and each Cell costs Uranium, which is not infinite. Depleted Isotope Cells are the component that defines a Nuclear Reactor as a Breeder Reactor, a reactor that sacrifices energy production to create new Fuel Cells.

Whenever a Fuel Cell in a Nuclear Reactor reaches 0 durability, it has a 1 in 3 chance to transform into a Near-Depleted Fuel Cell. These cells can be crafted with Coal Dust to make Depleted Isotope Cells. Alternatively, Near-Depleted Fuel Cells can be crafted manually with one Uranium or Enriched Uranium Ingot, and 8 Empty Cells. This is the recipe allowing for productive breeding.

Depleted Isotope Cells start at 1 durability. When placed in a Nuclear Reactor Depleted Isotope Cells will not pulse on their own. However, when placed adjacent to other Fuel Cells, every time they are struck by a neutron from an adjacent Fuel Cell, they will respond with a no-energy double neutron pulse (which causes the adjacent Fuel Cells to release 2 more pulses of heat, but no additional EU), and gain 2 points of durability. This durability gain is further increased based on the Reactor hull temperature: for every 3,000 heat in the Reactor hull, Depleted Cells gain an additional 1 durability per neutron that hits them.

Once a Depleted Isotope Cell reaches full durability, it will stop pulsing and transform into a Re-Enriched Fuel Cell, which can be crafted with Coal Dust to make a working Fuel Cell. The maximum durability of a Depleted Isotope Cell is equal to the durability of its corresponding Fuel Cell. Depleted Isotope Cells do not have any of the other special abilities of their corresponding Enriched Fuel Cells.

Note: Depleted Isotope Cells cannot be placed in Steam Reactors, and thus Steam Reactors cannot be used as Breeder Reactors.