Crop Library - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki
"This [Crop Library] can be compared to a small AE/RS System which stores all your Crops." - Speiger, Developer of IndustrialCraft 2 Classic (IC2C), 2/19/17.
The Crop Library, a Low-Voltage Machine crafted from 2 Crop Sticks, an RE-Battery, a Luminator, Nano Tool Box, Obscurator, a Machine Block and 2 Electronic Circuits, acts as a central terminal for all your crops. The Crop Library draws 1 EU/t passively, while using 5 EU per item to insert and extract crops from the Machine. If less then 20 EU total is stored in the device, will not allow the player to extract their crops. If no power present in the device, the device will completley shut off, and the player will not be able to even view the crops stored.
The "theory" of the Crop Library is that Crops are de-materialized on the Molecular Level to be able to be stored digitally, in a Data Bank, where, in the future, the crop can materialize and be used again, without spoiling or taking up any other space; this being said, only "protected" crops (or IC2C crops) can be de-materialized.
Because of this theory, the Crop Library doesn't have a limit other then what the Data Bank stores, which can also be known as there is no limit to how much you can store in the Crop Library (because there isn't a limit!). The Crop Library does have a "Read" limit, and when the crop amount surpasses 256, the amount will display "Enough!"
The Crop Library, when powered, allows you to view and store your IC2C Crops. The Crop Library's GUI allows you to do the following:
- Select the type of Crop being displayed by Clicking the [(Crop Name)] button.*
- Insert/Extract Crops
- Sort the Crops of a certain Type (using the big "X" or "check" in the lower left-hand corner)
- View Crop Information of a select Group
- [<] and [>] arrows to scroll through the selected Crop Type
*When the Crop Name button clicked, will go to the next crop type that there are currently stored crops for; this is to prevent clicking the button 20 times to find one type of crop and passing all these other tabs which have no stored crops. Shift-Clicking the Crop Name button WILL cycle through EVERY crop that can be put into the Crop Library.
- Shift-Clicking a stored Crop in the Crop Library will give you a Stack, or as many up to a Stack as possible.
- Ctrl-Clicking a stored Crop in the Crop Library will give you 8 Items, or as many up to 8 Items as possible.
- Shift & Ctrl Clicking a stored Crop in the Crop Library will give you 24 Items, or as many up to 24 Items as possible.