Interactions with Other Mods - TinyModularThings/IC2Classic GitHub Wiki
In this day and age, no mod exists in a vacuum. All mods look at each other and say, "Hey I can do a little of that too." And so IC2C includes a few features that are only present when other mods are present. Each of these features can be disabled at will (however client and server configurations must match).
When Baubles is installed, Batteries, Energy Crystals, Lapotron Crystals and other Batteries can be placed in the Baubles Belt Slot, and while there will be used to recharge equipped armor and tools. BatPacks, LapPacks, CFFoam Packs, and Jetpacks can be equipped to the Baubles Body slot, and will operate as if they were equipped to the normal Chestplate armor slot. Charge Pads, the Solar Helmet, and Static Boots will charge all items in Baubles slots, as they are also considered "armor" slots.
Forestry Multifarms can grow IC2C Rubber Trees and manage Crops. Rubber Tree farms can be configured using a Rubber Electron Tube. However, this compatibility is slightly odd: these two forms of support are extended by Forestry itself, so if the IC2C Forestry Compatibility module is disabled, IC2C will remove the Forestry-side compatibility as well.
Additionally, Forestry tools (Scoop, Grafter) can be carried in an IC2C Tool Box.
As expected, IC2C has a Just Enough Items plugin to display crafting recipes. However, there are a few crafting recipes that are hidden from JEI by default, and must be manually enabled via configuration.
Super Circuit Maker
SCM contains a Sided Comparator, which can read from IC2C machines on a side-by-side basis. If this module is disabled, SCM Comparators will still "read" from IC2C machines, but will only ever read 0 values.
Tinker's Construct
IC2C re-adds the EU modifier for TiC tools, allowing the user to attach batteries to TiC tools and power them with EU rather than durability. There are three tiers of modifiers:
- LV: 10kEU storage, 100EU/t charge rate, 50EU/tool use
- MV: 100kEU storage, 250EU/t charge rate, 150EU/tool use
- HV: 1M EU storage, 600EU/t charge rate, 450EU/tool use
The tier also determines what battery box is used to charge the tool: LV - Batbox, MV - MFE, HV - MFSU. All three modifiers can be applied to one tool, however the highest tier charge and usage rates will apply and only the EU storage will stack.
This plugin allows IC2C Teleporters to teleport objects other than players (such as inventory items, fluids, or energy). So with this plugin, a Teleporter pair could be placed under Railcraft Tanks or a Storage Drawers, and teleport fluids or items from one to the other.
WAILA and The One Probe
WAILA and TOP fill the same role and use the same plugin. They allow users to view more hidden internal data about machinery (EU storage and fluid storage, job progress, etc). TOP has more details available in its displays, and for WAILA to show EU information, the player must also have an EU-Reader in their hotbar.